Saturday, February 23, 2008


I pulled up this topic for a post on this blog since I consider Scientology a concept which is getting it's fair share of marketing!
Earlier I had read about it only in the context of Tom Cruise and his baby, how his beliefs in scientology are going to determine the manner in which his baby would be delivered. Also John Travolta (the Grease dude), and his family are followers of Scientology.
As I understand Scientology has its principles (somewhere) in Christianity. There are scientology centres across the world. The one in India is in Delhi and apparently has ~40000 followers. Interesting!
Now what is Scientology? a means of understanding "the spirit" (sorry! not the bottled variety:) ; in context to life, universe and everything around. The spirit is referred to as the "Thetan". There are auditors who audit your brain waves and help you to sort out your thoughts, feelings and understand yourself better. The course cost runs to millions of rupees. Whoever said celebrities support affordable causes?!
Mere mortals like you and me are termed "Pre-clear" ( I decode that as someone who has not been audited and is thereby not quite clear about their thoughts etc...).
To become an auditor one needs to spend a few millions (again!) for getting trained. For those interested, there is shortly a centre coming up in Mumbai.
Thanks to brand ambassadors like Cruise and Travolta - scientology is catching up.
To the "pre-clear" - if you can't afford to get yourself audited.....then "don't worry be happy".... :)....things will get clearer (if not today, then SOMEDAY)

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