Friday, September 29, 2006

Reaching brands to rural India

A few days back, a friend mentioned that he would like to help rural India progress. His idea revolved around creating a device which helps the small retailer in rural India to place an order through the device, the order gets financed by a microfinancer who is linked to the device, and executed by the Company whose product he orders. The intent was to ensure credit availability to the small retailer in rural India and reach of brands to the end consumer.

This came back to me today whilst I read an article. Companies are now tapping Fair Price Shops in rural areas to service the end consumer. The intent is to develop these FPS into rural malls. Companies like HLL are also willing to pay higher margins to utilise this network. These swank rural malls would be used to vend not just the usual grocery items but also sim cards and other fmcg products. The minimum requirement from these FPS would be an area of 300-400 sqft.

Quite an idea! instead of tying in with the retailers, how about tying in with the FPS outlets?


Anonymous said...

I visited all your blogs and think they are awesome... I also showed them to Ritesh :)

GP said...

Tnx Am :)....feel free to contribute